Sunday, January 1, 2017

No More Words...Finding My Way Back Home

I want to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy New Year!  May 2017 be your year to be blessed with all the beautiful and wonderful things that life has to offer. Can this be the year there is peace and joy on this earth and we all prosper?  This past year has been filled with enough negativity and hate.   Happy New Year!  God Bless You!  

How many of you make new year's resolutions and stick to them?  I use to when I was a kid because that's what we always did. The usual, do my homework on time, exercise and eat right.  Those ideas still make me smile.  I haven't made a new year's list in a long time.  This year, I one resolution and it is to write more blog posts.  

I haven't posted to my blog in well over a year (or two).  My last real blog post was March 2015.  My father wrote the Mother's Day tribute to his beautiful mom.  I lost my words and found it very hard to post when my cousin Renee passed away in April 2015. It still hurts to this day but I remembered how she always shared every genealogy find with me.  She never tired of hearing my endless stories and there were a lot of them. :)  She never once said when are you going to finish.  She always seemed as excited as I was with every new thing I learned about our family.  So today, My New Year's resolution to find my words and come back to writing my blog.

I do plan on writing a post about Renee soon. She was so much to so many people. I pray every day for her family. My heart still hurts when I think about her so I can only imagine how they're feeling.  Just typing her name in this post was hard.  I don't know if the pain I feel well ever dissipate (everyone says it will) but I do know that it's time I found my way back home.

I love you Renee and I miss you every day.  Your passing has left a hole in my heart. Not a day goes by that I don't think about all the should-haves and could-haves.  You were more than just my cousin, you were my sister, my friend and my confidante (we laughed so much).  I feel so blessed to have been able to share our lives together. I'm finally able to smile more when I think about you.  I will remember you forever.  God Bless You always. Love your cousin Neet/Nita.

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